DUI in Florida

Auto insurance after a DUI in Florida! A DUI and/or DWI is a serious crime on your driver’s license regardless of where you reside. If you live in Florida it is possible to face civil sanctions for a DUI including penalties and possibly jail time. In addition, your insurance premiums will boost to at minimum three or five years. The insurance department at Insoro has studied the impact of the effects of DUI on the roads of Florida to help an informed decision concerning your insurance for your vehicle.

DUI laws in Florida

Florida DUI penalties vary based on your driving history and the seriousness of your offense. The cost of a DUI in Florida can be found on Insoro. According to Florida law, a first DUI conviction usually results in fines of $500 to $1,000 and up to six months in jail. A second conviction can lead to fines of $1,000 to $2,000 and up to nine months in jail. In some cases, you might be able to serve your sentence in a substance abuse facility instead of jail.

After a DUI conviction, your license will likely be revoked for 180 days to permanently. If you have multiple DUI convictions, you may face higher fines, longer license suspensions, and more jail time. Other penalties for a DUI in Florida can include vehicle impoundment, 50 hours of community service, a substance abuse treatment program, DUI school, and the installation of a breath ignition interlock device at your expense.

How a DUI impacts Florida drivers’ auto insurance

Insurance companies analyze the risk of a driver and typically offer higher rates for risky drivers. Drivers who have moved offenses or DUI convictions typically pay more since insurers consider them more likely to cause accidents and file claims more often than drivers with good criminal records. Some insurers will not offer the coverage of drivers who have many DUIs which can force drivers to find specialized coverage through companies who specialize in high-risk motorists. The graph below illustrates the typical improvement in the cost of insurance for drivers who had just one DUI in Florida and across the nation:

  1. Pre-DUI:
    • – Florida: $3,451
    • National Average: $2,329
  2. Post-DUI:
    • – Florida: $5,457
    • The National Average is $4,772.
  3. Percent elevate:
    • – Florida: 58%
    • National Average National Average: 105 percent

Finding car insurance after a DUI in Florida

The cost of insurance varies by business, particularly in the aftermath of a DUI. To benefit from finding reasonable insurance following a DUI conviction, the Insoro insurance department looked over rates from Quadrant Information Services to find the best Florida insurance providers. The team also assessed each one in terms of client service, the strength of their financials, policies available as well as other aspects and gave them five points. If you’re convicted of a DUI in Florida then you’ll likely require an FR-44. You’ll likely have to carry more liability insurance which could cause rates to differ from the rates that are listed below.

Car insurance companyAvg. annual minimum coverage premium post-DUIAvg. annual full coverage premium post-DUI
State Farm$1,793$4,620
car insurance after in Florida

What is an FR-44 form?

The FR-44 form serves as an official financial responsibility document which is mandatory in Florida for drivers who are who are convicted of serious crimes such as DUI (Driving under the influence). The form proves that the driver has the proper coverage to be legally able to drive. Most drivers need this form to gain the right to drive following a DUI conviction.

The FR-44 differs in comparison to the SR-22 type used in different states due to the requirement for greater insurance coverage. Drivers have to maintain this greater insurance coverage for three years to retain their driving licenses. 

Florida’s FR44 insurance requirements include a minimum $100,000 bodily injury liability for each person in total liability per incident as well as $50,000 for the liability for property damage for each accident. This is more than the minimum requirements for insurance in Florida and serves to guard against dangerous driving habits. The rule is that drivers have to have an FR-44 in place for three years.

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Q: What exactly is the FR-44 Form to be used for?

It is a form that indicates the driver who is convicted of a grave crime, such as a DUI or a DWI, is covered by the greater coverage required to legally drive.

Q: How can the consequences of a DUI alter the cost of insurance in Florida?

A DUI generally increases the cost of insurance dramatically, as rates are upwards to an average of 58 percent in Florida.

Q: What penalties are there in the case of an initial DUI within Florida?

The first DUI in Florida typically outcome in the possibility of fines ranging between $500-$1,000 as well as up to 6 months in prison.

Q: How long will drivers have to have FR-44 coverage in Florida?

The insurance must be kept for three years following the date of a DUI conviction.

Q: Can I get insurance after multiple DUIs?

Yes, however, you might be required to look for insurance providers that specialize in high-risk drivers.

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